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The mission of Stichting Assisting Animals International is to improve the lives of stray animals in their own country. Should for whatever reason Stichting Assisting Animals International cease to exist, any remaining funds will be donated to an ANBI charity with similar objectives. More details can be found in the strategic plan 2024.

Organisation and Team

Stichting Assisting Animals International is a non-profit organisation which is 100% independent, not subsidised, nor part of a larger organisation. Stichting Assisting Animals International is a registered charity in The Netherlands under RSIN number 857821684/ KvK 69297762. Stichting Assisting Animals International is managed by three volunteers and none of the board members receives remuneration. The correspondence address is Huidenkoperstraat 22B, 1017 ZM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 


Current activities

- Sterilisation and vaccination programme in India, sterilising 80 to 100 dogs and cats per month.

- Treatment facilities in India, providing first-aid, treatment and vaccination to about 150 animals per month.

- Adoption programme for homeless animals which can not survive on the streets (mainly puppies, kittens, abandoned     dogs and handicapped dogs).

- Life-long care and shelter for 20 to 30 older animals and some 15 to 35 animals in convalescence.

- Study into the betterment of the welfare of stray livestock in India.

Annual accounts

Annual accounts for 2023 can be found here.

Privacy declaration 

Stichting Assisting Animals International takes your privacy very seriously and will take all possible care to ensure that any information you provide us with will be kept secure. For further details on this please download our privacy declaration 2024.


Please feel free to contact us for further information.

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