Assisting Animals helps to improve the lives of stray animals in particular in India via our Stray Assist programme. Under this programme, every month, dozens of animals are sterilised and treated for illnesses and wounds.
AVOIDING SUFFERING is our main drive, daily endeavour and constant focus
STERILISATION avoids millions of pups,
improves dogs' lives and makes people friendlier towards dogs
TREATMENT provides immediate relief, offers security and hope
RESEARCH to look for better solutions and spread knowledge

On admission, Pashu looked like a walking skeleton.
Nine months later, he was a re-homed, healthy dog.
Sterilisation is the single-most effective way to improve the lives of strays
India has 30 million stray dogs.
Every year, some 50 million pups are born.
Most, about 40 million, die of hunger, abandonment or parasites.
Assisting Animals facilitates sterilisations every day, all year round.
Annually, we prevent the suffering of approximately 15,000 pups.
Life as a stray dog in India is hard.
They face hunger, illness and abuse on a daily basis.
Dogs, mostly puppies, are brought to us with illnesses such as distemper, parvo and, occasionally, rabies.
Uncastrated dogs come with horrendous wounds, maggots crawling through their flesh.
Traffic accidents are frequent and, if not resulting in death, often leave no other option but amputation.

Every day we treat animals like Panush until they are happy dogs again.
Cats do not pose a large risk to humans and, being largely nocturnal, are often forgotten.
Nobody knows how many stray cats there are in India and little is known about strays cats in India.
But one thing is sure - they suffer.
At Assisting Animals, we motivate people to bring in their cat for free sterilisation and we work in areas where lots of stray cats come together, like fish markets. This helps to prevent starving kittens like this one.

Stray Assist is a small organisation with 1 vet during 1.5 days a week, 2 full-time veterinary assistants and 2 part-time veterinary helpers.

Some animals will not be able to survive on the streets again, because they came in too young and never learned how to survive as a stray, or are too disabled or simply too old. Those animals stay until we find a suitable adoption home or live out their lives with us.